Weight Watchers Snack Size Peanut Butter Caramel Ice Cream Candy Bars 10 1 Fl. Oz. Box

Peanut butter low fat ice cream topped with caramel and peanuts and milk chocolate flavored coating. Artificial flavor added. 80 calories per bar. 3 g saturated fat per bar. No artificial sweeteners. See nutrition information for saturated fat content. Not a low fat food. 4 SmartPoints value per bar. Say Hello to Delicious: At Weight Watchers, we want you to enjoy the foods you love. We start with the highest quality low fat ice cream and then add just the right amount of deliciousness. How sweet is that? Some of the delicious ingredients in our ice cream offerings! Weight Watchers SmartPoints plan is proven to reduce your weight. It goes beyond calories to help you make smarter choices. Learn more at weightwatchers.com. This product was prepared to fit the Weight Watchers program and is useful for weight control when used strictly in accordance with the Weight Watchers food plans. Produced with genetic engineering. For ice cream and novelty product information: 1-800-331-0830. www.weightwatchers.com/icecream. For a nutrition facts serving size of 2 bars, the SmartPoints value is 8. Please recycle.