Lean Cuisine Morning Collection Apple Cinnamon & Almond Oatmeal 12 Oz. Box

Steel cut oats and milk with apples, cinnamon & almonds. 2 servings. Delicious rewards from Lean Cuisine. Join today! Enjoy your favorite Lean Cuisine dishes & earn points for delicious rewards items like gift cards, home decor & kitchenware, or enter for your chance to win big prizes like shopping sprees & vacations! PointsPlus 5. The PointsPlus value for this product was calculated by Nestle USA, Inc. and is provided for informational purposes only. This is not an endorsement, sponsorship or approval of this product or its manufacturer by Weight Watchers International, Inc, the owner of the Weight Watchers and PointsPlus trademarks. Good food, good life. Good Question: How does Lean Cuisine make delicious so nutritious? Good to Know: Ready. Set. Go. Kick start your day with delicious breakfast offerings. Good to Remember: Start with breakfast. Eat a breakfast that helps you meet your food group needs. Good to Talk: Leancuisine.com or Nestleusa.com. Please recycle this carton.