Gm Caribou Bar Mocha

Naturally flavored. Good source of calcium and whole grain (Good source of whole grain - at least 8 grams of whole grain per serving. At least 48 grams of whole grain recommended daily). Made with real Caribou Coffee. Savor the moment. Here at Caribou Coffee, our mission is to make the day better, and we do that one moment at a time. Take a moment now and savor our favorite experience - the Caribou Coffee Bar. The best coffee bars are made from the best coffee. We're devoted to finding the best coffee beans in the world and treating them right from start to finish. Caribou Coffee Bars are deliciously unique chewy granola bars that elevate your day with their rich and flavorful taste. Life is short. Stay awake for it. The Caribou Story - In 1990, during a northern wilderness adventure, our Caribou founders journeyed to the top of a mountain and were rewarded with a sensational view: the boundless mountains, a clear blue sky, and a herd of caribou thundering though the valley. This breathtaking view became the vision for Caribou coffee - a company that believes in excellence and that life is too short for anything else. Carbohydrates Choices: 2.