Gm Raisin Nut Bran

Delicious Nut-Covered Raisins, Slivered Almonds and Crisp Bran Flakes. Delicious soft nut-covered raisins. Excellent source of iron. Excellent source of fiber. 180 Calories per serving. 20% Daily value of fiber per 55 g. Contains 3.5 g of total fat per 55 g. Excellent source of whole grain. This cereal provides at least 16 g of whole grain in each serving. 9 out of 10 Americans aren't getting enough whole grain. Whole grain packs a powerful punch. The plant nutrients, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber in whole grain work together to help keep you healthy! Aim for at least 3 servings of whole grain each day. Now all your favorite General Mills cereals have the added benefit of whole grain! The same taste you know and love with whole grain. How do I find whole grain cereals? General Mills is making it easy to find whole grain. Start your day the healthy whole grain way! What makes Raisin Nut Bran taste so good? It starts with the delicious combination of ingredients inside. Raisin Nuts: Every delicious California raisin is covered in a soft nutty coating that keeps them tender, plump and delicious, Almond Slivers, Crispy Bran Flakes: Nothing goes better with those plump raisins than crunchy bran flakes. Wake up your taste buds with Raisin Nut Bran! Exchange: 3 starch. Exchange based on the Exchange Lists for Meal Planning, copyright 2003, the American Diabetes Association, American Dietetic Association.