Indiana Cheese Popcorn

Authentic. All natural. So creamy & cheesy! A Simple Plan: We had a bold, yet simple plan: to introduce the world to all-natural, handcrafted, small-batch popcorn with flavors and ingredients that would make people, (and their taste buds) really, really happy. The best ideas are usually the simple ones. So enjoy, and munch better. American Cheese Popcorn: American innovation has brought us some truly incredible things. Democracy. The telephone. Baseball, hotdogs, cable television. Facebook. Our favorite American innovation? American cheese. It's simple, it's creamy, and it tastes incredible, especially when combined with our all-natural, hand-selected popcorn. American cheese popcorn. Think of it as a bag of innovation you can eat. Enjoy, and much better. Munch better. All natural. Zero trans fat. Gluten free. No preservatives. Non-GMO corn. Whole grain - 14 g or more per serving. Eat 48 g or more of whole grains daily. Satisfaction guaranteed. Let's connect Facebook; Twitter; Made in the USA.